
Yoga Classes in Skipton

From Holistic House, on Otley St in Skipton, Yoga teacher, Bethan, runs yoga sessions to nourish the mind, body & soul. Take a look below!

Weekend Warrior: Yoga flow & Meditation

Every Saturday: 08:00 – 09:00am
@ Holistic House Skipton (with Bethan)

You're a warrior! You've made it through another hectic week, pretty much unscathed, and now you need to wash-off the war paint and brush-away stale energy to start the weekend doing something for you. Giving time to yourself is so important and we think there's no better way to start the weekend than with morning yoga and meditation. So join Bethan who will guide you through a calming and mind-cleansing session to help you draw a line under the week, to enjoy a fulfilling weekend!


£10 pay-as-you-go. Or 10% off when block booking 4 or more classes! Booking is essential

Any questions, please contact Bethan at

>>> Book a Weekend Warrior Session!

Soulful Sunday: Yoga Flow & Meditation

Every Sunday: 10:00 – 11:00am
@ Holistic House Skipton (with Bethan)

Sundays are now 'Soul-days' at Holistic House! Join Yoga instructor Bethan on Sunday mornings to stretch your Bobby Womacks and sooth your Nina Simones to the smooth rhythms of soul music. Indulge your senses and absorb the silky vibes as you find the calm to ease yourself into a restful day. C'mon guys, this is what Sunday mornings were made for! "And I'm feeeling goood..." (Nina Simone reference - sorry! :)


£10 pay-as-you-go. Or 10% off when block booking 4 or more classes! Booking is essential

Any questions, please contact Bethan at

>>> Book a Soulful Sunday Session!

our offerings

Take time for you...