
Guided Meditation Classes

From Holistic House, on Otley St in Skipton, Yoga teacher, Bethan, runs guided meditation sessions to bring calm & restore the mind, body & soul. Take a look below!

Sunrise Meditation & Journaling

Every Tuesday: 08:00 – 08:40
@ Holistic House Skipton (with Bethan)

A calm, grounded way to start your day with gratitude, focus and intention.

This class guides you through a seated sunrise meditation, through a full body check-in, and into silence. It ends with a 10 minute journaling time with prompts to assist you in allowing a free-flowing stream of consciousness.

The focus of this class is on stepping into your day with intention. Learning to harness the power of your mind and re-focus the ‘monkey mind’ at the very start of the day is one of the most powerful personal tools you can have!

Don’t worry if you’ve never practiced meditation before – these sessions are for anyone to come along and try. There truly is no right or wrong way – simply a state of ‘being’. Just like anything in life, the more you practice the easier it becomes.

Pop along and give it a go – we’re a very welcoming friendly bunch and it takes place in an incredibly warm, inviting and cosy setting, surrounded by candlelight and bathed in calming music.

These sessions are pay-what-you-can : between £5-£10 per session. Payment made on the day in cash or card. Booking is essential

>>> Book a Sunrise Meditation Class today!

“Guided Meditation & Relaxation with Bethan

Every Thursday: 19:00 – 19:45 & 20:00 - 20:45
@ Holistic House, Skipton (with Bethan)

TLC for the nervous system. Nowhere else to be, nothing else to do, no comparisons or judgement.

Just you, and 30-45 minutes (depending on the session) of complete connection with yourself, your body and your mind.

These sessions are, and will remain, donation-based to make them as accessible as possible… so whether you feel you can give something, or don’t feel that you’re able to, you are still able to come and access a space of complete relaxation and ‘you time’.

Some sessions are purely relaxation-based, and some will be more theme-focussed (I will always state when and what these are) with aromatherapy elements, candles and calming music. They are very gentle and suitable for anyone – whether you’ve meditated before or not.

These particular sessions are every Thursday evening – at 7pm and 8pm at Holistic House Skipton. Please ensure you have selected the correct time.

These sessions are pay-what-you-can : between £5-£10 per session. Payment made on the day in cash or card. Booking is essential.

>>> Book a Guided Meditation Class today!

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